I received the email below from one of my former Miss Teen Oak Leaf Festival title holders this morning. I am so proud of Brit and her efforts to bring attention to those who struggle with MS and to VOLUNTEER to make a difference as Miss Kanawha Valley's Outstanding Teen! I joined her MS Walk team this morning, and I hope you will do the same or at least consider helping her reach her goal of raising $5,000 and 100 walkers for the cause!
Hey everyone!
This is Brittany Glover, and you may not recognize this email, but don't put it in the junk pile just yet! I'm working on a project for the Multiple Sclerosis Society and I need YOUR help! I'm coordinating the walk in White Sulphur Springs on August 21 at the Greenbrier Resort. I'm aiming to get 100 group members and raise a minimum of 5,000 dollars, sounds like a lot but with everyone's help we can get there in no time! For those of you who aren't familiar with the disease, MS is a debilitating disease that affects how nerve impulses are transmitted through the body; it can cause a wide range of symptoms and currently has no cure. The MS Society works to find a cure and to help those affected and their family members. To learn more about MS go to: http://www.nationalmssociety.org/about-multiple-sclerosis/index.aspx. Many overlook this disease, but now is the time to get involved. It would mean so much to me to reach my goal and to make a difference. Even if you can't attend the walk you can join my team and help fund raise! To do so go to https://secure3.convio.net/nmss/site/TRR/Walk/VABWalkEvents?pg=tfind&fr_id=16791 and click "search for a team" then type in "Making Strides" and join! Easy as that! Email me at this address if you have any questions! Also if you are a member of facebook you can go like "Making Strides" page at http://www.facebook.com/home.php#!/pages/Making-Strides/202818013080325! Forward this on to your family and friends! Thank you in advance for helping me reach my goal!
Brittany Glover
Making Strides Team Captain
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